Acrylic on canvas
28cm x 36cm

This acrylic piece is a recreation of my childhood bedroom, specifically, its state ten years ago, in 2014. Since then, the layout, wall colour, and furniture have changed, much like the growth of my identity. While the core of who I am may still be recognizable as myself, it has evolved through the varying experiences that I have endured in the past decade. However, the reference photo I used for this painting, a blurry and saturated shot from the archives of my Hello Kitty camera, reminds me of home. After studying in Montreal for the past two semesters, I still consider the house and room that my work illustrates, as home. Google Maps knows my Home as this location, and my apartment in Montreal as Work. My childhood room will always be the first place I called home - where I got my bearings on the world I live in now, and nothing can change that.